Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Pt. 2

I won't post ALL the photos here, but you can see them at my personal Flickr site.

{Jason texted me a message "from the Easter Bunny" to read aloud to Tiegan once she had found all the eggs. It said to follow Mommy & Daddy to her next prize...}

... a puzzle. This girl is OBSESSED with puzzles. She was a lot more excited about it than she looks in this picture.

I ended up going to Target for her Easter basket goodies. Mom helped me out, so I went a little overboard, except with the candy. The closest she got to "real" Easter candy were those chocolate covered raisins you see to her right. I put 3 bags of Goldfish Grahams in her basket- cinnamon, honey and chocolate. She was thrilled, and didn't expect any more sweets than that. Me: 1. Evil Holiday Sweets Monsters: 0.

We let her believe all her presents were from the Easter Bunny, except this one. We let her know that this was a special gift from Mommy and Daddy for being such a good girl lately. There was a while where we struggled with the potty, and overall behavior/attitude. She has really been amazing the past couple weeks.

... and my favorite set of photos from yesterday. She tried on her new swimsuit (which was in her basket). Got this at Target. Size 4t... my how my baby girl is growing!

P.S. Thank you, commenters, for the basket suggestions! Although I didn't find a pail/planter I liked, I did find a cute 3-pack of herb seeds (basil, parsley & chives) which I put in her basket as well as a small watering can. I just happen to have 3 little pots on my window ledge in the kitchen, currently containing different kinds of tea. I thought I'd let Tiegan plant her own little herb garden. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

the bathing suit is adorable.

it looks like you guys had a nice easter weekend.